3,800 Charterholders
Develops and communicates investment strategy and policies, manages and develops the investment team, supervises and oversees the investment process, establishes processes to ensure the investment policy statement is followed, and makes decisions on asset allocation and risk across portfolios.
Product Manager
500 Charterholders
Build, develop and oversee the design, construction and operation of investment products and processes. Integration of investment processes with sales, market and service to provide turnkey solutions for clients.
Buy-side Quant Analyst
1,000 Charterholders
Identify, test and implement financial models and investment ideas by applying statistical techniques, using data-sets/quantitative tools to analyze and predict market movements and exploit market anomalies. Construction and delivery of efficient decision-making tools in the investment process.
ESG Analyst
300 Charterholders
Analyze ESG risk factors at the single security and portfolio level. Track and predict key trends in ESG risk areas. Scan environment for emerging ESG risk issues.
Sell-side Credit Analyst
2,000 Charterholders
Analyses debt issuers and structured credit products, assesses market exposures, seeks relative value opportunities in order to promote trade ideas to the buy-side.
700 Charterholders
Applies economic analysis to conduct macroeconomic, financial market, and sector-specific research. Evaluates data, constructs and updates proprietary models, analyses current and historic economic indicators (e.g. rates, credit, indices, currencies, commodities, government bonds), and advises portfolio managers on asset allocation decisions.
4,200 Charterholders
Promotion, distribution and placement of financial securities and funds through idea-driven, relationship-based client engagement to portfolio managers, private wealth managers, and other investment decision makers.
Central Banks
300 Charterholders
Execute mandate from government to target key variables within an economy and across financial markets.
1,100 Charterholders
Oversee financial market activities and application and development of robust policies to ensure sound operation of markets and institutions in line with local, regional and global rules, regulations and policies.
Buy-side Credit Analyst
1,400 Charterholders
Analyses debt issuers and structured credit products, assesses market exposures, seeks relative value opportunities to promote trade ideas to portfolio managers, and determines the balance of risk vs reward involved in extending credit.
500 Charterholders
Oversee staff, processes, principles, policies and practices at a financial institution. Ensure compliant operations with the letter of the law and rules as well as higher optional standards and codes adopted by the firm.
Portfolio Manager (including hedge fund manager)
33,000 Charterholders
Devises and implements investment strategies and processes to meet client goals and constraints, constructs and manages portfolios, makes decisions on what and when to buy/sell investments, and reports on investment performance.

Relationship Manager
5,600 Charterholders
First point of contact for clients, with responsibility for pro-actively understanding and responding to their needs, articulating the products and services of the firm, and identifying appropriate investment solutions to support them.
Manager of Managers
4,800 Charterholders
Analyses and identifies investment managers to oversee aspects of client funds through the creation of “fund of funds” and/or multi-manager strategies, conducts qualitative and quantitative due diligence in selecting, monitoring and/or terminating investment managers.
Investment Strategist
5,900 Charterholders
Macro market commentator/advisor and insight generator who analyzes current and historic economic indicators (e.g. rates, credit, indices, currencies, commodities, government bonds), and advises portfolio managers on strategic and tactical asset allocation and trading strategies.
Sell-side Trader
4,000 Charterholders
Executes security and derivative transactions making heavy use of market data tools, seeking best execution and minimizing market impact to trade portfolio manager strategies and/or execute proprietary or algorithmic strategies.
Investment Consultant
3,000 Charterholders
Advises asset owners, pension funds, and trustees on which managers, funds, asset classes, and countries to invest into as part of the investment strategy, asset allocation, manager selection and portfolio construction process.
Buy-side Trader
1,000 Charterholders
Executes security and derivative transactions making heavy use of market data tools, seeking best execution and minimizing market impact to trade portfolio manager strategies and/or execute proprietary or algorithmic strategies.
Performance Analyst
1,600 Charterholders
Measures and analyses performance, undertakes attribution analysis, and communicates absolute and relative fund performance data to both portfolio managers and clients via performance evaluation reports and presentations.
Buy-side Equity Analyst
4,000 Charterholders
Covers industries, collects industry and company data, analyses companies, and builds single company earnings models in order to conduct absolute and relative valuation culminating in recommendations to pitch mispriced equity securities to portfolio managers.
Private Wealth Management
9,300 Charterholders
Holistic relationship management focused on discretionary and/or advisory multi-asset wealth management.
Market Data & Indices
2,000 Charterholders
Build, maintain and enhance market data-sets for use within the workflow of finance professionals. Develop and design new products to meet unmet needs in areas such as alpha generation, benchmarking and the construction of passive investing products.
300 Charterholders
Development and design of technology products across the spectrum of financial services. Exploration of unmet needs in financial services that can be met with innovative technology solutions. Promotion and sales of new technologies within financial services.
Sell-side Data Scientist
300 Charterholders
Analyses data-sets, applies coding/programming skills and modern analytical techniques to databases to seek meaningful patterns and insights, and communicates relevant findings to clients. Develops tools and dashboards to enhance/enable improvements to the investment process of clients.
Sell-side Equity Research Analyst
18,000 Charterholders
Covers industries, collects industry and company data, analyses companies, and builds single company earnings models in order to conduct absolute and relative valuation culminating in recommendations to pitch mispriced equity securities to traders and portfolio managers.
Broker-dealer Risk
6,000 Charterholders
Oversees aggregated risk across trading books for a firm, undertaking analysis (stress-testing, scenario analysis etc) and ultimately imposing rules to reduce tail risk and meet regulatory requirements.
Sell-side Quant Analyst
1,000 Charterholders
Identify, test and implement financial models and investment ideas by applying statistical techniques, using data-sets/quantitative tools to analyze and predict market movements and exploit market anomalies. Construction and delivery of efficient decision-making tools in the investment process.
Buy-side Data Scientist
300 Charterholders
Analyses data-sets, applies coding/programming skills and modern analytical techniques to seek meaningful patterns and insights, and communicates relevant findings to key stakeholders. Develops tools and dashboards to enhance the overall investment process.
Buy-side Risk
2,500 Charterholders
Optimizes portfolios through the modeling of historic asset returns and covariances, undertaking analysis (stress-testing, scenario analysis etc) and ultimately suggesting trades to maximize risk-adjusted returns or minimize risk exposure.

300 Charterholders
Ensures firm adherence to the applicable local, national and global laws, regulations and practice across jurisdictions of operation, and sets up systems to train staff, detect infractions and address compliance issues that arise.
4,300 Charterholders
Book-keeping for corporations, conducting audit process, regular financial reporting, controls and spot-checks.
Strategy Consulting
300 Charterholders
Outsourced problem solving for corporate clients as they seek to maximize value of their firms. Tasks including go/no-go decisions, revenue and margin improvement cases, market entry analyses, acquisition due diligence, post-merger integration and complex problem solving.
Corporate Finance/M&A
8,400 Charterholders
Advisory role, pitching on and assisting companies with equity and debt capital raising, mergers, acquisitions and restructuring.
Equity Capital Markets
500 Charterholders
Primary and follow-on issuance of equity securities including research, pricing, book-building and after-market support for new issues. Reporting of market conditions to potential issuers to determine optimal issuance windows.
Debt Capital Markets
100 Charterholders
Primary issuance of debt instruments including research, pricing, book-building and after-market support for new bond issues. Reporting of market conditions to potential issuers to determine optimal issuance windows.
1,700 Charterholders
Conduct both teaching across the main areas of Investments and Corporate Finance and research. Maximize publications and citations in chosen areas of specialty. Design and teach to curricula across learning programs.
Corporate Development & Strategy
2,000 Charterholders
Embedded strategy consultants at corporations, overseeing and planning both organic and inorganic corporate development. This can include go/no-go decisions on projects, market entry cases and voice of the customer work, while on the inorganic side this can include deal due diligence, negotiation of term sheets and post merger integration.
Venture Capital
300 Charterholders
Source, diligence and place bets on small companies throughout the phases of early corporate development. Seek to maximize the number of “home runs” within the investment portfolio within the chosen focus areas of specialty for the fund.
300 Charterholders
Manager of cash and money market instruments to balance cashflow and interest earned. Guardian of cash and near-cash instruments included steward of company controls.
3,700 Charterholders
Develops, implements and communicates finance strategy, conducts budgeting, business planning and FP&A processes, undertakes cost control, and supports effective company governance.
Investor Relations
500 Charterholders
Manages communications between public corporates and current/prospective investors to assist with appropriate understanding, analysis, expectations and valuation of related securities. Coaches C-suite to interact with company stakeholders and anticipates and answers key questions.
Private Equity General Partner
8,000 Charterholders
Analyses and values businesses, undertakes due diligence, negotiates the purchase/sale of companies, conducts financial engineering, improves operational performance, and undertakes asset management.
4,900 Charterholders
Develops, implements and communicates business strategy, oversees enterprise risk, undertakes fund raising, oversees people strategy and hiring processes, manages and implements planning, undertakes cost control, and supports effective company governance.