Welcome to the Competency Framework Survey Tool

This site is an interactive tool created to obtain your feedback. When released, the competency framework will guide members in the skills they need to either (1) develop in their existing job role, or (2) transition into a new job role. Built on the foundation of the CFA® Program experience, it will also enable the curation and origination of compelling professional learning content from CFA Institute and CFA Societies. It is essential we hear your thoughts and feedback on the draft competencies to ensure the framework is relevant.

What are we asking you to do?

Click into the relevant cells to see the competencies. Review these and descriptions relevant to your job role. Then provide feedback on the accuracy of the information and the areas you would change to ensure relevance with current industry practice. Please note this survey should be accessed and responded to through a laptop or desktop device. It is not optimized for mobile devices.

Identify your job role

Identify the job role family that most closely represents your day-to-day role and give us feedback on the role definition.

Review the competencies

Each role includes “Technical,” “Personal and Business,” “Ethical,” and “Career Management” competencies. Click into the relevant cells and work down the column to review the competencies relevant for your role. Please note this list is not exhaustive, but designed to highlight key areas.

Give us your feedback

Each competency has a feedback box. Tell us both what you like and do not like, and what you would change. Feedback is completely anonymous. We will review and analyze your feedback in the final stage of finalizing the framework.

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