Ethical and Professional Standards

A. Professional Standards of Practice

  1. Professionalism
  2. Describe the professional standards of practice
  3. Duties to employers and clients
  4. Conflicts of interest

B. Ethical Practices

  1. Describe ethical practices e.g., suitability, trade management guidelines, loyalty to employers, etc
  2. Describe unethical practices e.g., insider trading, misconduct, etc

C. Asset Manager Code of Professional Conduct

  1. Describe the activities and behaviors covered by the Code
  2. Implementation and monitoring of the Asset Manager Code

D. Presentation of Performance Results (Global Investment Performance Standards “GIPS”)

  1. Definition of the firm
  2. Requirements and recommendations e.g., disclosures
  3. Composite construction
  4. Valuation principle
  5. Fees
  6. Performance presentation
  7. Verification